Which country or city has a 6-month night and a 6-month day?

Only areas that fall on the North and South Poles or are in very close proximity to either, experience a 6-month-long night and day. 

It`s a common misconception that all the places in the extreme north experience this phenomenon of a 6-month-long day and an equally long night. Although there are parts in the north of Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Russia, Canada, Alaska (US) and Finland that experience such long days and nights but it`s just that in the summers, days get very long and in winters they get very short. It`s not like there is an extremely long period of only daylight and then a long period of darkness. 
A pole, the end of a planetary axis, is either tilted toward the sun, and stays in the Sun as the Earth spins, or tilted away from the Sun, and cannot move into daylight. Therefore it`s only the POLES (North and South), that experience 6-months of daylight and then 6 months of darkness. 
Only areas within the Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle (a latitude of 66.6 degrees or more) will experience one or more days of 24 hours of sunlight, and conversely one or more days of 24 hours without sunlight. This only happens at areas on or in very close proximity to the the South Pole or North Pole(ends of the planet`s imaginary axis, at which it tilts wrt to the orbital plane). 
Scientifically speaking, when Antarctica is tilted towards the Sun (around September 21 to March 20, summer in the Southern Hemisphere), the Sun is overhead continuously, circling the horizon. Beginning on March 21, the sun does not rise above the horizon until the following September, which equates to six months. 


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