China troubled by terrorism, will now seal the borders with Pakistan

Beijing. The government of China's Xinjiang province bordering Pakistan on Tuesday announced that it will tighten its border security. The government is going to seal the border with Pakistan. The step is being taken in order to prevent the infiltration of terrorists. China is very surprising that the Jaish-e-Mohammad militant commander Maulana Masood Azhar has been denial. There are terrorist training in Pakistan Xinhua agency quoted Xinjiang government has said. According to experts, China resented the fact that the activities of terrorists in Pakistan continue to openly and he has failed to rein in. China was also a fear that terrorists are getting training in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a threat to them could be. Increased terrorist attacks in Xinjiang Xinjiang province of China in recent violent attacks have occurred in recent days. He is worried about the growing Islamic militancy. The local militants in the Taliban camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the close contact between local militants also upset. The ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) of the Kashgar region of Xinjiang, according to a top official said some militants Anivr Turson illegally crossed the border to escapechinese-army-pakistan-border; China-Pakistaan-border terrorism-.jpg

There are terrorist training in Pakistan Xinhua agency quoted Xinjiang government has said. According to experts, China resented the fact that the activities of terrorists in Pakistan continue to openly and he has failed to rein in. China was also a fear that terrorists are getting training in Pakistan and Afghanistan is a threat to them could b


could be. Increased terrorist attacks in Xinjiang Xinjiang province of China in recent violent attacks have occurred in recent days. He is worried about the growing Islamic militancy. The local militants in the Taliban camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the close contact between local militants also upset. The ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) of the Kashgar region of Xinjiang, according to a top official said some militants Anivr Turson illegally crossed the border to escape


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