If you are between 18-44 years of age, please read this. design_studio 18 Dec. 2016 11:19 When it comes to the body of a woman, they go through many changes throughout life. It is about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and menopause. These changes are related to changes in weight, shape and other physical characteristics. The body goes through different things that are quite normal, but some of the factors that contribute to the development of are the age and hormones. There are two women in the world, which are basically the same, which means that changes that pass are also unique. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that affects about 20% of women, the symptoms can be quite severe and destructive. If you suspect that you have polycystic ovaries or if you are already diagnosed do not panic, because there is hope for you. Cure has not yet been found, but there are many easy ways to control this condition. What really is it? It is the result of increased levels of androgens or male hormones in women. Factors contributing to this increase in hormone levels can be genetically. The disease has a broad range of symptoms and weight, which means that is often hard for doctors to diagnose .. However, according to research, this condition may be associated with levels of insulin, because often occurs in women who have high levels of insulin. This condition represents a risk factor for certain diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, insomnia, hypertension, and certain cancers. What are the symptoms? – Irregular menstruation – Acne, oily skin and dandruff – Difficulty in conceiving – Weight gain – Abundant body hair – Anxiety and / or depression How can it be treated? – Make some changes in your diet – Increase your intake of magnesium – Talk to your doctor


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